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Jumat, 20 Januari 2012

Two Worlds 2 : Castle Defense

Ketika pertempuran berdarah di antara beramai-ramainya `Gandohar` dan angkatan perang dari `Orcs` sedang mengamuk di depan Gates dari `Oswaroth`, masa penantian kaisar pada kedalaman dari istananya pada hasil dari berjuang untuk Power. Bagaimanapun, dia tidak mengetahui bahwa satu beramai-ramai elit dari `Orcs`, dipimpin oleh `Rogdor`, sedang membuat caranya melalui alur rahasia ke dalam benteng dan kini dekat dengan pintu gerbang dari kamar singgasana.
Pergunakan sekali kesempatan untuk menyelipkan ke dalam peran dari Kaisar `Gandohar` dan pengikutnya `Sordahon`! Penjahat ini dari "Dua Dunia" alam raya kini yang dapat dimainkan untuk pertama kali selalu di permainan strategi ini, pembukaan dengan demikian satu seluruhnya perspektif baru ke dalam dunia ajaib dari `Antaloor`. Mempergunakan bidik-depan dan keterampilan, anda harus mempertahankan rusak terlantar, hutan gelap dan katakombe pemutaran melawan `Orcs` bergerak maju cepat. Hindari masing-masing gempuran dengan siasat Clever dan persenjataan, mempertahankan singgasananya `Gandohar` pada benteng `Oswaroth`! Apakah anda siap untuk mematahkan score tinggi, menjumpai Benteng terakhir Pertahanan menantang melawan lawan online dari di seluruh bumi?
While the bloody battle between Gandohar’s troops and the armies of the Orcs is raging in front of the gates of Oswaroth, the emperor waits in the depths of his palace on the outcome of the struggle for power. However, he does not know that an elite troop of Orcs, led by Rogdor, is making its way through secret paths into the fortress and is now close to the portals of the throne room.
Use the one-time opportunity to slip into the role of the Emperor Gandohar and his henchman Sordahon! These villains from the "Two Worlds" universe are now playable for the first time ever in this strategy game, thus opening an entirely new perspective into the fantastic world of Antaloor. Using foresight and skill, you must defend abandoned ruins, dark forests and winding catacombs against the onrushing Orcs. Ward off each attack with clever tactics and weaponry, defending Gandohar's throne in the Oswaroth fortress! Are you ready to break the high score, meeting the ultimate Castle Defense challenge against online opponents from around the world?

Game features:

- Comprehensive campaign mode provides long lasting game motivation
- Short-term fun in the Arena mode including five different adventures
- Content based on both "Two Worlds" role-playing games
- Different regions, such as ruins, forests or catacombs
- Two playable characters with special attacks such as Fire Damage or Ice Bomb
- Six different, upgradeable combat units such as Magicians or Rangers
- Dozens of different types of enemies in over 20 independent classes
- Advanced unit management with a variety of powers
- Huge game world with up to 50 units on the screen simultaneously
- Individual graphics and sound settings for PC and Mac possible
- Atmospherically dense soundtrack varies with each individual level
- Thrilling online high-score hunting in Campaign and Arena modes

Click Download button below then SKIP AD to download game Two Worlds 2 : Castle Defense in Full Version.
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1 komentar:

Anonim mengatakan...

lam kenal gan,

gan nech semua link games ud error semua....kira2 da link lain lagi ga.....????
padahal game2 nya....ok2 semua....



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Semua game di blog ini sudah FULL VERSION dilengkapi Serial Number ataupun Crack ataupun Keygennya
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