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Jumat, 27 April 2012


Ketika kehidupan ular naga dan manusia bersama-sama.
Ular naga api negara pada pegunungan tinggi, ular naga es negara pada laut, dan ular naga hutan negara pada hutan yang punya satu kekuatan militer kuat berlandaskan ular naga memberi gelar bangsawan yang dapat menjinakkan ular naga.
Untuk menguatkan simpati di antara ular naga dan satria mereka seperti halnya tingkat penghasilan, bertani yang menghasilkan telornya ular naga adalah lazim pada beberapa kota. Orang yang lindungi dan atur bertani ini dipanggil “ Dragonester.”
Anda akan jadi “ Dragonester ”; anda akan berusaha mengembangkan kota anda seperti halnya lindungi damai dunia. 
A long time ago, when dragons and humans live together.
The fire dragon’s country in the high mountain, the ice dragon’s country in the sea, and the forest dragon’s country in the forest have a strong military force based on dragon knights who could tame the dragons.
To reinforce sympathy between dragons and their knights as well as increase production, farms that produce dragon’s eggs are prevalent in many towns. The person who protects and manages these farms is called “Dragonester.”
You will be “Dragonester”; you will try to develop your town as well as protect the world peace.

- Three level upgrading systems of fake buildings for incubating, centrifugal separating, researching alchemy, and holy place.
- Can buy pistol, rifle, shotgun, machine gun and canon and can add 6 level skills.
- There are various monsters invading against farm. i.e., big eye mob, fire slime, pirates plane and dark dragon, etc.
- Making its own rich town through upgrading various buildings of home town.
- May compare racking with other players through various stages, story mission, quest mission and dedicated ranking stages.
System Requirements:
- OS : Vista32/ 2000/ XP
- CPU : Pentium3 500Mhz minimum
- RAM : 512MB Minimum
- DirectX 8.0 or Higher


Click Download button below then SKIP AD to download game Dragonester in Full Version.
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File Size : 65 MB


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