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Kamis, 19 April 2012

Castel Fall : Age Of The Magogs

Age of the Magogs adalah permainan real-time strategy oleh Namco mana tujuan adalah untuk melumpuhkan kastil musuh.
"Raih, Serang dan Dapatkan!" adalah moto permainan real-time strategy ini, menara pertahanan yang di mana Anda harus panen sumber daya ketika Anda mencoba untuk mendapatkan kendali atas medan perang dengan tujuan untuk mengambil alih istana lawan Anda-maka Castle jatuh. Untuk mencapai hal ini, Anda akan perlu untuk menyesuaikan dek pertempuran dan mengambil alih komando dari kedua unit ofensif dan defensif, serta mampu untuk memanggil berbagai mantra.
Age of the Magogs is a real-time strategy game by Namco wherein the objective is to take down the opponent's castle.
"Crop, Cast, and Conquer!" is the motto of this real-time strategy tower defense game where you have to harvest resources as you attempt to gain control of the battlefield with the ultimate goal of taking over your opponents' castle -- hence Castle Fall. In order to achieve this, you'll need to customize your battle deck and take command of both offensive and defensive units, as well as being able to summon a wide range of spells.
- Design your battle deck with over 60 unique units, defensive towers and spells
- Command a variety of units from quick striking Gremlins to Fire and Ice Mages
- Cast spells like Fire, Poison or Lightning to wreak havoc on the battlefield
- 5 challenging Magog Boss battles
- Battle though 7 distinct territories like dense forests, snow covered mountains and more
- Simple yet addicting RTS gameplay with a tower defense twist

System Requirements
- Operating System: Windows 7, Vista, XP
- Processor: 1.3GHz (XP), 1.5GHz (Vista & 7)
- RAM Memory: 512 MB (XP), 1.5GB (Vista & 7)
- Video Card: 128MB Video Memory
- Sound Card: DirectX 9.0c compatible
- DirectX: 9.0c

Click Download button below then SKIP AD to download game Castel Fall : Age Of The Magogs in Full Version.
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6 komentar:

Anonim mengatakan...
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Anonim mengatakan...

pass nya apa gan?

Anonim mengatakan...

pass nya gan...!!!!

Anonim mengatakan...

Udah di download gan, tapi minta password utk rar. Tolong gan passwordnya please.. Thanks

Anonim mengatakan...

loh kok da pssswordnya?

Anonim mengatakan...

udah tak download kak, thanks tapi pass apa?
kasi tau dong kak...please.
aku, dina masih smp nich kak nggak tau gimana cari passwordnya...

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Semua game di blog ini sudah FULL VERSION dilengkapi Serial Number ataupun Crack ataupun Keygennya
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