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Senin, 23 April 2012

Dora the Explorer : Lost and Found Adventure

Dora adalah karakter fenomenal anak usia prasekolah yang mengembangkan keterampilan dasar. Lima menarik dan interaktif permainan, Dora the Explorer Lost and Found Adventure memberikan anak-anak Anda pengenalan yang menghibur untuk seluruh dunia baru pembelajaran dan penemuan. Bersama-sama dengan Dora dan teman-teman, Boots, peta, dan ransel, anak-anak belajar keterampilan penting dasar bahasa, masalah penyelesaian, matematika, dan membaca di lingkungan, pendidikan, beragam dan sehat.
Dirancang untuk anak-anak prasekolah usia 2-5, Dora the Explorer Lost and Found Adventure mengajarkan warna, bentuk, angka, pencocokan, kreativitas, perkembangan bahasa, penalaran, musik, refleks, ukuran pengakuan, dasar Spanyol, keterampilan komputer dan banyak lagi. Beberapa tingkatan memungkinkan anak-anak untuk membangun kepercayaan diri dan rasa nilai diri.
Dora is the top rated preschool phenomenon that develops fundamental skills. With five exciting and interactive games, Dora the Explorer Lost and Found Adventure gives your children an entertaining introduction to a whole new world of learning and discovery. Together with Dora and her friends, Boots, Map, and Backpack, children learn the basic essential skills of language, problem solving, math, and reading in an educational, diverse, and wholesome environment.
Designed for Preschoolers ages 2-5, Dora the Explorer Lost and Found Adventure teaches colors, shapes, numbers, matching, creativity, language development, reasoning, music, reflexes, size recognition, basic Spanish, computer skills, and more. Multiple skill levels allow children to build self confidence and a sense of self worth.

- Fundamental Skills: Colors, shapes, numbers, matching and size recognition
- Cognitive Ability: Deductive reasoning, thinking, memory and perception
- Creativity: Art, music, imagination, exploration and more
- Language Development: Letters, words, vocabulary, basic Spanish and more
- Self Esteem: Competence, self-confidence and a sense of worth


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File Size : 32 MB

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