Crazy Taxi 3 permainan seperti driver yang mungkin telah Anda mainkan, itu melibatkan mengemudi taksi dan mendapatkan uang baik dari pelanggan, mengusir mereka cepat @ lokasi mereka dan mereka akan membayar jumlah yang baik. Jadi, periksa screenshot di bawah ini dan memiliki menyenangkan men-download dan memainkan permainan.
Crazy Taxi 3 is game like the driver which you may have played, it involves driving a taxi and earning some nice money from the customers, drive them fast @ their location and they will pay you a nice amount. So check the below screenshots and have fun downloading and playing the game.

System Requirement :
- Supported OS : Windows 98 / ME / 2000 / XP
- Processor : Pentium III / AMD Athlon 1.0 GHz
- RAM : 256 MB
- Video Card : Geforce 3/ATI Radeon 8500 or higher (except MX) Matrox Parhelia
- Supported OS : Windows 98 / ME / 2000 / XP
- Processor : Pentium III / AMD Athlon 1.0 GHz
- RAM : 256 MB
- Video Card : Geforce 3/ATI Radeon 8500 or higher (except MX) Matrox Parhelia

Click Download button below then SKIP AD to download game Crazy Taxi 3 in Full Version.
Download game Crazy Taxi 3 Full Versi dengan klik gambar download dibawah ini kemudian klik LEWATI:
File Size : 136 MB
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